Jasmin is a student of Andrew Tate´s  learning platform the Real world
he is learning Copywriting
to sell more of his products and help other businesses...

Jasmin does copywriting for free, to learn a skill, gain experience, earn reviews and recommendations and of course to help people.......

As a business owner, you know better than anyone how important it is to present your products or services to potential customers in a convincing way.
A good copywriter can be invaluable in this.
Copywriting is much more than just writing an A4 piece of text.
It is about thoroughly analyzing the client and their business,
understanding how the company gets attention and knowing how to monetize it. A good copywriter also looks at what the competition is doing better and how they are 10x as profitable. Through this analysis, the copywriter can suggest improvements that need to be implemented to take your company to the next level.

The goal is not to double your turnover, because then you will quickly start living by it and you will not have enough left to live on, and build a fortune.
The goal is to 10x or even 100x your turnover.

A good copywriter knows how to use a convincing tone of voice to appeal to and convince the target audience. By choosing the right words and conveying the right message, a copywriter can ensure that your company stands out and attracts more customers.
With what you do now, you always get the same, what you have now.
Everything becomes more expensive every year, so in the long run you get less. You need a good copywriter, who can help you to convert more..

In short, a good copywriter is indispensable for every company that wants to grow and be successful.
Do you also want to increase your turnover and take your company to a higher level?

Then it is time to hire a good copywriter.
Contact me today and discover what I can do for your company.
You will make at least E 10,000 extra turnover, thanks to my help.
If not, you do not have to pay anything!

You will receive at least 10 improvement points during my work.
From E 250, - per strategy / piece of copy.
You need more turnover now, so let's get started right away...
Preferably your company has been around for 3 years and you have a budget.

Remote work, communication via Linkedin and email: [email protected]

  Copywriting done for the following clients:

1. Andre van Swelm, f41d.nl (14 recommendations)
2. Stephan Krijger, Health 3.0 (Starter, only 2 recommendations)
3. Bert Claassen, Fulfilment Achterhoek BV (2 recommendations)
4. Gerard Hofmeijer, Financieringplus.nl (12 recommendations including booklet to position client as expert)

5. Tanja Lomans, Different Dimensions (2 recommendations)
6. Raymond Talsma, Lords of the House holding (11 recommendations)
7. Rosanne van Zalingen, Boostclubs, Award Winner for Inspirational Entrepreneur (11 recommendations)

8. Bart Lieven, Ondernemersacademie (2 recommendations)
9. Conchita Wormer, conchitawormer.nl (13 recommendations)
10. Ferry Rasenberg, Belcar Rent NV, (11 pieces of advice)
Thanks to 1 strategy they turn over €3,000,000 extra per year

11. Karsten Bos, Upper Entertainment (15 pieces of advice + written copy)
Thanks to 1 strategy they turn over €15,000 extra per year.
´´ Thank you very much, Jasmin ´´

12. Henk Kok, Xablu, (13 pieces of advice)
13. Iris van Mierlo, lifestyle coach (4 pieces of advice)
´´ Thank you very much Jasmin ´´
